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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Street-O @ Bellbird Dell

Cooler weather - nice. Still pretty sweaty though. Started off in plod mode, and speeded up as I warmed up - passing lots of people on the first long uphill. But about halfway around, I got stomach cramps that forced me to a walk. After deciding that I didn't need to find a bush to hide behind, I started running again, but wasn't comfortable for about 10 minutes.

Don't know what that was about, and it's a shame because this is a lovely map to run on.

5.9 km in 6:33/km.

1 comment:

PortRunr said...

Thanks for dropping by Louise. I'm sadly not diving much either - that was my first for over a year, but well worth the wait.
Street-O (without the cramps) sounds like fun.