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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Master Cleanse

I've been lurking on Dirt Diva's blog (fascinating lady), and she mentioned going on The Master Cleanse. I'm a fan of detoxes, and I guess I've been looking for a kick in the arse to get my eating habits back into line. I Googled around and found this site which seems more informative than some of the other hyped-up sites that came up.

As I already had a small supply of ingredients (including a bottle of maple syrup in the pantry in case I felt like making pancakes!), I tried it out on Tuesday morning. It tastes okay. I'd already prepared breakfast (rolled oats soaking in water), but stuck it in the fridge and had it for "dinner". Noodle soup for lunch, so I'm not following the Cleanse strictly. Noodle soup again today, but nothing more solid than noodles so far. Unless Mr X invites me out to dinner tonight. :-)

I finally found a decent supply of lemons this morning (roadside stall outside Coldstream) - it seems ridiculous to pay 60c for an imported USA lemon when the neighbourhood trees are full of them. Time to plant my own, I think... except that I don't actually have long-term plans for my current house. And a small pile of cayenne pepper on the kitchen bench has finally put paid to the march of ants which have invaded my kitchen over the last week.

1 comment:

Ewen said...

I've seen that blog before. Dirt Diva is very into herself (not that there's anything wrong with that). So many photos!

Poor Mr X. Louise, you are a cruel girl.