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Monday, January 01, 2007

Street-O @ Beaumaris Bay

This map would normally fall into the "too far" category (60 km away, 60+ min travel time), but for two things: firstly, it wasn't a work day, so I had plenty of time and energy; and secondly, I didn't know where I was going until I was sitting in the car looking at the Street-O schedule, dressed and ready to go. Too late then to decide not to!

Course setter Ian cheerfully told us that low tide was at 7:30, so we had plenty of time to get the ½ dozen controls that he had set along the beach. Hah. There were a lot of hilly bits for a map with no contour lines. The course itself was a bit of a struggle, with a few walking breaks for no reason other than I was stuffed.

8.2 km in 6:26/km

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