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Monday, May 23, 2005

Busy day at work (NOT)

Cruising the web for Forerunner/GPS stuff. It appears that I can't actually import maps into the Training Center? Bummer. I'm hoping I can print my route off at a specific scale - so I can overlay it onto a 1:15000 orienteering map, for example.

Worked out my max heart rate on one of those websites - 184. Which means that my "running" zone (zone 3) should be 139-154 and my "going hard" zone (4) should be 154-169. Oops, I generally sit in my "going hard" zone for most of the time. Does that mean I should slack off a bit? I noticed the forerunner saying my heartrate zone was 5.2 after an uphill part of the run on Friday. I guess that's in my "all out" zone.

Will have a play with the toy tonight, and venture into the heartrate menu.

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