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Monday, May 09, 2005

No show??

I'm considering being a "no show" for the GO half marathon next Sunday, and doing the Blodslitet instead. It's all becoming too hard. Pros and cons:

GO MarathonOrienteering
I'd have to skip Street-O on SaturdayI can do the Saturday Street/Park event at Lilydale Lake - a new map, and an area that used to be one of my regular haunts
I'd have to drive 3 hours to Apollo Bay on Saturday afternoon, leaving enough time to find accommodationI can get a lift to the Blodslitet with Pete and Ilse
I'd have to get up waaaay too early on Sunday in order to catch the 6am bus to Kennett RiverI'd still have to get up far too early, but I could probably stay in bed until 6am.
I'm not going to know anyone, unless some CRs make themselves knownI'd know 80% of the people there
I've already paid $60 and got the t-shirtIt'll cost me $10 (wahoo)
It'll cost me a lot more than that for food and accommodation
I've never done a 1/2 marathon beforeI've never *completed* a Blodslitet before (I DNF'd last year)

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