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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mother's Day run @ Christmas Hills

FRIDAY: another hell day at work. You just know it's going to be a long one when the boss calls a meeting at 4:30pm. Finally got out at 6:30pm - too late for a Pump class at the gym - and headed home to blob. At least I got a couple of slices of pizza in before being dragged away, so I didn't have to worry about dinner.

SATURDAY: sanded, skim coated (god's gift to amateur renovators) and sugar-soaped master bedroom. First undercoat went down on Sunday.

Went for a run around Seville late morning - 7.8 kms - wearing the HRM and the new iPod. Very nice run - talked to several sets of horses, got chased by some dogs, and took another look at the blocks for sale (fully serviced, home and land package available).

One surprise though: at the 5-minute mark, after running up a hill and feeling very stuffed, my heart rate was only 160. After 10-15 minutes, I'd warmed up, and 160 felt pretty comfortable. Managed to spike 170 occasionally, but generally managed to stay between 155 and 165.

The iPod behaved well, tucked down under my shirt. Except that the right earplug kept bouncing out - I must have a weird-shaped ear or something. And once things started getting a bit sweaty, they both felt a bit insecure.

SUNDAY: low-key orienteering event at Christmas Hills. Course A, approx 7.5 kms. Hard work up the hills, but managed a fair amount of running once out of the scrub. No problems finding the controls, and managed to beat both Eric and Pete. And congratulations to Tina and Vic who outed themselves as a couple today. Go kids! (they're both in their 50's).

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