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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

One of life's little mysteries

I put on an old woollen coat this morning, which I haven't worn since last winter. Put my hands in the pockets, and found... a pair of spectacles. They're not mine, they don't fit, they're not my prescription or preferred style. Where did they come from? How did they get into my pocket?! Did I pick them up on a walk perhaps, thinking they might be useful one day. The answer to this, and a great many other unanswered questions shall remain... unanswered.

Went for a short run around Seville this morning. 4.6 kms. Cold. Chased by one dog. I'm considering buying a tiny camera, taking photos of the little mongrels out on the road, and sending them into the council. Took the iPod again, and a new set of clip-style earplugs - Sanyo, $12.99 from Kmart, and very secure over the ear.

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