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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Street-O @ Heathmont

Cold and drizzly (which cleared) making for pretty good running weather. Took the Garmin, but realised very quickly that I also needed a CLOCK so I could get back at the right time. Hah! I noticed one of the other Garmin-wearers had the FR on his arm, and a watch on his wrist. Hmmm, overkill perhaps? But easier than switching modes to get the actual time.

Note to Garmin: could we have a clock as an option in the Custom display?

Felt sluggish during the first 20 minutes, and I don't think it had much to do with the first km being uphill. Am I overloading perhaps? Observant readers will have noticed that I've upped my mileage this month beyond the recommended 10%, but I'm not really doing *that* much. Perhaps I'll skip the Foggy Friday run, which should leave me fresh for Saturday's Street-O. Sunday is State Series bush orienteering, so a definite chance to totally exhaust myself.

7.5 kms, and back 2 minutes late after I decided to "just nip down and get control 4". Only problem with nipping "down" is that you have to nip back UP again, and it just wasn't happening!

Got very cold afterwards, with teeth chattering on the drive home. Is this "normal" or am I coming down with something? Arrgh, hope not! But no one else seemed quite so cold, with some still in their t-shirts during drinks (tea, coffee, soup) afterwards. I don't have a hot drink, mainly because I don't like anything that's on offer, but I had plenty of water and a muesli bar.

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