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Sunday, May 01, 2005

Out of puff

Started strong, couldn't hold it through the middle, but finished well. Happy with the way I ran, especially downhill where I pushed it a bit, but spent too much time walking.

Spotted myself in the TV clip on Channel 9 this evening. :-)


CRs RMC and KevinCassidy came up and introduced themselves before the race (something to be said for wearing the CR top!), and met Grey Beard and Go4it at Emerald afterwards. Also met up with a bunch of orienteers to swap war stories and have lunch with, so didn't make it to the CR lunch.

FRIDAY: Pump class, hard work in the squats track.

SATURDAY: stiff in the glutes and hamstrings. Spent the day sanding and filling holes in the master bedroom.

Oh, oh, oh, and I lost another kilo. :-D

Found the food thing quite hard this weekend. Leftover rice thing for lunch on Saturday, with fish for dinner, but really craving something sweet (I resisted). Sunday was a bit easier with the race on - had half my normal breakfast serve before the race, some tinned fruit afterwards, then a beef burger and chips at lunch. Once I got home at 3pm, I had a protein shake; risotto for dinner, and several glasses of barley cordial. Still craving *something* but not sure what...

Tired too. Early to bed tonight, I think.

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