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Friday, May 20, 2005

Garmin - the verdict

Took the Forerunner for its first run this morning.

My 4.6 km route is really only 4.4 kms. Oops. :-)

The satelite thing is amazing! The self-adjusting map showing where I ran this morning is way cool.

Kept switching between Pace and HR, still can't decide which I prefer. I think HR while I'm running hills, and use Pace when I'm running at a reasonable one.

Here's my hill:

Turned the unit on inside before heading out, and it couldn't find the satelites. So I had to stand outside in my garden, in the cold, while it contacted its mates in the ozone. I thought it was supposed to do it quicker after the first time?

Found the unit awkward on my wrist. If I fastened the strap at a comfortable tension, it slid down towards my hand while running. If I tightened it, the buckle tended to grab skin. In the end, I put my sleeve (long-sleeve top this morning - 8 degrees) under the strap, and that worked well. But as I don't wear long sleeves very often, I'll have to find/make(?) a wristband of some sort. Sweatbands are too thick - perhaps I'll sacrifice an old sock.

The HR strap and transmitter is comfortable - a lot smaller and neater than the Polar unit that I've had for years.

The "weather cap" is a bit suss - it doesn't want to stay in.

Overall though, it's going to be a fun toy to play with.

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