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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Blodslitet @ Bostock

Long-distance orienteering at Bostock Reservoir. The course was made up of four loops, and you chose various combinations to make up the distance you wanted. I entered Course 1, which included all four loops for a total of 18km, with a bail-out plan after Loop C.

As it happened, I bailed after Loop B. I'd had a few navigation problems in Loop A (compass wasn't pointing in the same direction that I was running); then near the end of Loop B, I tripped and twisted my knee as I fell. It hurt, and I stayed put for a few minutes to assess the damage, then walked the next two controls before deciding to be sensible and call it a day.

Hopefully, it'll be fine tomorrow.

Apart from a few navigational embarrassments and the tumble, I was running quite well - trotting through the forest with no walking breaks.

Loop A - 5.1 km - 47 min
Loop B - 8.5 km - 1:36
+ walk back to the finish

14.1 km total

weekly stats:

Weight71.1 kgs ▼
Walking12.7 kms
Running39.5 kms

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