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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Zoning out

TUE: I really shouldn't bother with this Heart Rate stuff unless I'm fresh and rested. I couldn't run slow enough this morning - about 2 km into the jog (at the start of the slow incline to Wandin), the HRM suddenly went nuts. 225 bpm. I don't think so! But it didn't ever calm down, and my wrist was bleeping like a demented canary for the rest of the way. A balmy 6 degrees, with misty cloud down to ground level.

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
7.5 km8:16 /km141 bpm (74%)

the sound of a demented canary

Started a new pair of Nimbus VIs that have been sitting in the cupboard since the last Rebel sale. The old ones (alternating with a pair of VIIs) have done 750km - which is a lot more than I usually get out of a pair of runners.

And a Street-O update from last Wednesday: I obliterated Jacqui by 15 points! I also beat Robyn, Eric, and levelled with Lauris. That must have been some run...

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

I'm sure HRM are not ment to sound like demented canaries. I think there is something going wrong with yours.