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Thursday, June 08, 2006

Need thicker gloves

In my quest for a Zone 2 activity, I thought I'd try a 1 hr cycle. And I figured that if I was going to cycle for an hour, I might as well cycle to work. So - today being Thursday - I did. And faaaaark was it cold. I lost my fingers about 2 minutes from home and on all the downhill bits - wearing regular cycle gloves plus some thin training gloves underneath. I also need (yes, need!) a proper winter cycle top, although I wasn't cold on my core. Time to hit the groundeffect website today, methinks.

Seville reached a low of -3.0°C at 4am; it was -2.3° when I left home, and -2.1° an hour later. I must be mad.

Didn't work, huh.

Nice quiet spin home without the HRM for a total of 37.5 km. No speed records broken - mildly sore arse when I climbed aboard after work, and it got pretty cold after Mt Evelyn - but I enjoyed the ride in the dark.

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

Did I read right?? Did that say MINUS 2??

I think I would have stayed in bed.