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Friday, June 30, 2006

Almost warm

Comfortable trot to Killara station again, but went out via Victoria Road (hilly, unsealed) and looped back along the trail (flat, unsealed). Much warmer this morning ~10°C, and lots more people out walking their dogs.

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
8.5 km7:10 /km150 bpm (79%)

I've now been doing this heartrate experiment for a month, and on occasion I've been a tad concerned that all I'm doing is learning how to run slowly. But I'm also learning how to run continuously. My Street-O runs are all about running fast (well, my "fast" anyway) for ~500m, then stopping to punch a control and check the map. Repeat for 8km. I never actually run solidly for an hour without stopping, so I guess I'm learning how to do that.

On the heartrate side, I haven't been particularly religious about keeping within Zone 3 (below 150 bpm), because... well... it's boring! But I guess my report card should read, "must try harder," because I need to learn to run efficiently at or below 150 bpm before I can run faster at or below 150 bpm.

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