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Monday, June 19, 2006

Did you know that sheep snore?

Last week's stats

Weight72.2 kgs ▲
Walking6.0 kms
Running38.8 kms

I didn't get out for a run yesterday, but had a productive day cleaning, painting, hanging curtain rails, and sorting out a hard rubbish pile for collection. Went out this morning instead (usually my day off) for a "comfortable jog" without worrying too much about heart rate or distance.

-2°C and foggy.

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
9.1 km6:44 /km148 bpm (78%)

TUE: same again, in the opposite direction. An interesting Ruby incident as I was heading out though - she was on her front lawn as I wheeled my rubbish bin out (a noisy process, as you probably know). Barkbarkbark! I ignored her - didn't even make eye contact. She came outside her fence onto the grass verge and followed me down the road as I trotted off. She'd stopped barking as soon as I started moving, and I could sense her running perfectly at heel with her nose at my left calf. And Simon impotently calling and whistling her as she followed me, lol.

DistanceAvg paceAvg HR
9.1 km6:28 /km148 bpm (78%)


Spark Driver said...

What ever the temperature is in Melbourne your place seems to be 2 degrees colder. Hard to believe anyone would run in that cold!

Louise said...

The joys of living in the Valley. And in summer, we're always 2-3 degrees hotter.

And yes, hard to believe... *rolls eyes*