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Sunday, April 02, 2006

Bush-O @ Creswick Diggings

Club orienteering event out at Creswick amongst the gold tailings. Very technical area; I chose the second-to-longest course (15 controls) and BLITZED IT!

Course: 2
Course length: 5 km
Actual distance: 6.5 km
Time taken: 1:15

I started off at a slow trot feeling the effects of yesterday's run; fumbled control #5, and lost 10 minutes. As I was leaving it I saw Pete coming in to get it. Bugger! He's dynamite at navigating, and running the same course as me. So I hightailed it to the next control, opting for a slightly longer (but safer and faster) route along a forest track to the next control, all the time keeping an eye on the hill above me for any sign of him. From there it was a rabbit run, only this little rabbit never saw the hound again until the finish. I ran fairly hard, navigated almost perfectly, and beat him by over 15 minutes!

*hot and happy*

I'd bought a new Deuter 2L hydration pack yesterday, and took it for a test run today - perfect. Didn't move about at all, and was comfortable for the whole time. Anyone want a second-hand camelback? :-)

Weight71.0 kgs
Walking8.9 kms
Running35.2 kms
Cycling37.3 kms

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

Good to hear that the fox never caught the rabbit. Great running.