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Monday, April 24, 2006

Dog thoughts

I am seriously thinking about getting a dog. Medium-sized, female, probably NOT a puppy.

* someone to run with and motivate me to keep running* I work all week. She'd be alone for 10-12 hours a day.
* someone to keep me company. Love and affection and all that* could I take her orienteering? There are often a few dogs at the bush events - they get tied to the car while their owner is out running.
* security* out-of-town accommodation could be a problem ("no dogs")
* social status - so RunDave, I guess that means I shouldn't get a toy poodle then.  :-) * there are enough dogs in my neighbourhood already
* bloke magnet??  see above.  Anything called "Fluffy" is out - unless it comes with three heads and smells bad. * cost - food, vet, rego, etc

Edit: thanks for all your comments. I've added them in above - I can see this being a "work in progress". I also bought my first Dog book today (Apr 27): The Dog Listener (as seen on TV). It's more of a narrative than an instruction book, but I find those more interesting anyway.

Edit #2: So there I was last night, standing around talking to people, when Bryan's dog Georgie trots over and parks herself at my feet. She's a totally gorgeous Cocker Spaniel cross, mid-sized, and an excellent runner. I crouched down, she had her paws on my knees, and we had a good ol' cuddle. Jacqui's cackling away, "you're hooked!" she says. Dammit. *grin*


RunDave said...

You could divide your pros up a bit.
-Someone to run with
-Someone to motivate me

Plus you could add 'symbol of social status'. That would of course depend upon what type of dog you chose.

RunDave said...

Just thought of another one. It could keep you warm at night.

Sarah said...

Those pros are all huge pros - a pet gives you so much love and affection. All the cons are only little things that you can get around pretty easily.

Spark Driver said...

You could get a Great
Dane like I seen running at Kallista this morning. When you get too tired you could just jump on his back :-)
Thanks for the company running today. It was nice to meet you.

Ewen said...

Leaving the poor thing at home all day is the only big problem. There are probably some breeds that handle this well though.

RunDave said...

Sarah's comment makes me think you should rate each pro/con as to how important you think it is then add it all up to see which side wins.