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Thursday, April 13, 2006

THU: cycle to/from work 37.4 kms

Wore my new 3/4-length GroundEffect "witches britches" with the fluffy knees. Nice and warm in the chilly morning air. I'm going to do a small plug for GroundEffect clothing - it's awesome stuff, fits perfectly, and looks like something you could wear in public rather than posing as a mobile advertising board. I have a good collection of their clothes now, and love every one.

Also got to use the kick-arse lightstick on the way home. It kicked arse! The guy in the shop said that it wouldn't slow me down (as in, it would give me enough light), and he was right. It was dark by the time I got to Mt Evelyn, and usually I just cruise down the trail to Seville. But tonight I was riding through a tunnel of light with pitch black to either side. So cool. Got a homeward PB too.

1/2" slither of chocolate slice (trying to be good)
1 slice herb bread
3 small easter eggs

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