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Monday, April 10, 2006

The love affair is over

5.4 km, without the dog.

Simon and I had Words over the weekend about Ruby's incessant barking. I'd got back from my shopping trip on Saturday: barkbarkbark from the next door front lawn (there is a low fence between us, which she can see me over). The tail's wagging, so she's not being agressive, just noisy barkbarkbark. Got out of my car barkbarkbark, opened the boot barkbarkbark, started to unload barkbarkbark barkbarkbark faaaaarrk shuddup already. Saw Simon standing in the doorway with one of his kids, just looking on. Gimme a break! When Ruby is with me, she doesn't bark, because I don't let her. When she's at home, Simon's the boss, and he condones the racket. I didn't say anything, but went inside. Barking stopped. Funny that - she'd "won". And I spent the evening stewing over what I should have done.

Next morning, Sunday 7:30am, I'm loading up the car barkbarkbark. Bet the neighbours are thrilled barkbarkbark. I refuse to back off, and just stay at my car watching her barkbarkbark. After a few minutes barkbarkbark, I walked around to their door barkbarkbark with the dog staying between me and the door BARKBARKBARK actually crashing into the door BARKBARKBARK until Simon came out. This is not on Simon blahblahblah it's got to stop blahblahblah I hate being accosted everytime I'm in my driveway blahblahblah. He just stood there crouched over Ruby trying to make her shut up, and muttered "sorry" as I stalked off.

How to train a dog to shut up: (1) ignore her or just watch her when she barks; (2) talk over her barking; (3) cuddle her and say "bad doggy"; or (4) remove her from the situation. Well, I'll give you a clue - it ain't 1, 2, or 3.

When I went out for my walk this morning, I wondered if they'd leave her outside for me to pick up. Oh yeah, or (5) take her for a walk when she barks. Wow, what a reward for barking... must keep it up. Not. Anyway, she was going off barkbarkbark inside the house, so I didn't bother going any closer.

Nice canine-free walk.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I bet it's annoying, nothing worse than a dog smarter than it's owner!!

Hope you walk her still in the future, I love hearing about your dog walking adventures :)