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Friday, April 07, 2006

Pizza Friday

7.4 km run with RubyDog. We left an hour later today, as I had a 7am conference call with a US client. Our usual out and back run along the Warby trail. My energy levels were a bit lacking and it felt like hard work for most of it, with quite a few walking breaks. I left Ruby off the leash as we walked back along the water-filled ditches (and the dog IN the ditches trying to bite the moving water), which was great fun, until she tore across the road to yell at some stupid yappy dog in a front yard.

Went bike light shopping at lunchtime, and bought a kick-arse $170 NiteFlux VisionStick 5.5 which should turn night into day on my rides home in the dark.

1/2 croissant
Hungry Jacks whopper combo (burger, chips, Coke) (very late lunch)
Pizza and Coke (Happy Hour)

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