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Monday, April 03, 2006

MON: 5.6 km. MadDog and I did the Chandler Road loop, and I let her off the lead once we were past suburbia (so probably about 4km worth of unleashed puppy). 9/10 for behaviour. Oh, and we found a HUGE dog bone in the park near home - sooo exciting, and very disappointing that I wouldn't let her bring it with us. Oh, oh, and it's been raining right, so all the ditches are full of flowing water. And flowing water is SUCH a puppy-magnet! I don't think I've ever seen her with such a silly grin on her face.

Silly mutt wrenched the Garmin half off my wrist during an energetic puppy leap. Luckily we were on a dirt road at the time, not on the grass or I'd never have found the pin. This side of the watch has been loose since I fell on it a few weeks ago - does anyone have any clever ways of making it stay put (I'm thinking hairspray (no I don't own any), superglue, etc).


1" square chocolate slice
Apricot bar

Chinese takeaway for lunch, because I was at the shopping centre clearing my mail, and even though I had a yummy healthy salad in the fridge at work. It wasn't even particularly nice.

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