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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Street-O @ Bellbird Dell

To prove (to myself) that I *can* actually run, I went and had a really good one tonight. Only problem was an incredibly BADLY set course which gave no consideration to the safety of the runners - with controls set under trees and on poles in the dark, rather than on street lamps where we can see them; several controls set on the side of the road with no footpath and no grass verge, forcing us to run on the road with very little room for a car to pass as well; and a lovely pitch black run down the length of Bluebird Dell Reserve for nearly a km on the way home. Where's a Course Controller when you need one? Grrr.

Back 3 minutes late (maybe 4?) so lost all of my points, and my average pace reflects the fumbling around in the dark, rather than my actual running pace. Knee and shin pain disappeared after a few minutes, although I can feel my shins now (2 hours later).

7.2 km.

I now plan to rest until Sunday (no running, no cycling) to let my legs fully recover. Will walk instead.

1 comment:

Spark Driver said...

I'm still a little stiff from Tuesdays effort. I think a little warming up would have done us all a world of good.