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Thursday, April 06, 2006

Windy with showers

I didn't make it to Street-O last night. I got stuck at work helping some idiot in another country install a product he didn't know, on an operating system he didn't know, in a language that clearly wasn't in his top 5. Arrrrgh, so irritating. Went home to leftover pizza, and spent the evening rejigging the lights on my bike using some garden hose and a bit of kiwi ingenuity.

Cycled to/from work: 37.4 km total. 8 degrees on the way in, 12 on the way home.

Had the bike serviced earlier in the week - new bottom crank and a full adjustment on the rear gear system. Noiice... Now I just need a much gruntier headlight and maybe some mudguards.

Oh, and I'm an aunty again - congrats to my sister (and brother-in-law, of course), and a big hello to Rebecca Grace. 7 lbs.

Ewen, if I was a good girl, I wouldn't have to make confessions now, would I? :-)

1" square chocolate slice
Nando's chicken burger, chips, dip, and a Coke

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your "O" thoughts!
The white is a beginner 2-3km course, and the yellow is advanced beginner 2-3.5. with course choices.
I don't think a compass is needed for the white.
Anyway, should be fun and it's not far from home.
Seems there are several clubs around and it's a big deal.
I never knew about it until I read your blog!