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Thursday, April 20, 2006

Dark and muddy

Cycle to/from work. Trail was heavy and slow after 10mm rain overnight, but it was clear and sunny on the ride in. Coming home at 6pm wasn't so much fun - dark, drizzly, muddy(!), my glasses kept fogging up, and a few kms from home, my new VisionStick died.

The manual says that it is due for recharging when the light goes yellow. But not to recharge when its only partially drained for the first few cycles to prevent establishing a short memory. Right... so ride until the light goes yellow - I can do that. But it goes yellow bloody fast! Like someone took a dimmer switch to a 100w bulb and dropped it to 20w. And about 5 minutes after that, it drops to almost nothing. Faaarrrk! By this stage I was in Station Street, but it's still an unsealed road with NO STREET LIGHTS, and not a lot to stop me from rolling into the ditch.

I guess I expected to get more than 2 hours burn time (I have a similar torch for diving, and it lasts closer to 12 hours), but the manual says 140 minutes once it's had a few charge/discharge cycles.

37.5 km


Spark Driver said...

Its a hell of a day to be out riding a bike. The weather has been shocking. Good on you!

Ewen said...

Louise, what about a second cheap light as a spare? Probably less weight than carrying around spare batteries.