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Friday, April 21, 2006

Happy Hour

7am: conference call with a US client
8am: walk 5.9 km - icy cold rain
9am: brekkie
10am: walk into the office to see the "Happy Hour" sign up for pizza and beer this afternoon

Mmmm, pizza... :-)

There have been a few posts recently on CR about cycling benefitting running - specifically on hills. Plus 2P's introspection on much the same topic.

Got me thinking that I should put a bit more effort into my cycling. I tend to take it easy and cruise both on the trips to/from work, and out on an MTB course. I used to be a mad-keen cyclist in my uni days, so the speed is there... lurking somewhere in the aging legs of a near-40 year old. I can already run hills fairly easily, but while I've got the strength, I don't have the endurance. And orienteering is all about strength and endurance.


miners said...

I agree - it certainly seems to be the topic de jour lately. Personally, I find a lot of benefits from it - both in strength training, and in managing injuries. The coffee stops are pretty good too :)

Spark Driver said...

I would like to read more about your bike riding workouts.