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Wednesday, April 05, 2006


4.8 km walk. I'd suggested to Simon that he leave the dog and the leash outside his door in the mornings, so she didn't disturb the whole family when I came to get her. It sort of worked - the leash was hanging from the door handle, the door was open, but Ruby had opted for the warmth of her kitchen instead of waiting for me!

It worked exceptionally well in reverse though. When we got back, I filled her bucket with water, took off the leash, hung it back on the door and left Ruby quietly sitting on the doorstep. It worked so well that I thought I should double-check that she hadn't run off somewhere. Walked back to her place - dog was gone. Leash was gone too, and their oldest daughter G was just walking away on her way to school. Well, I thought, it must be okay.

I stuck my head around just as I was leaving for work - apparently G had opened the door and said, Oh, the dog's here! Quiet little mouse had been so well behaved!


1" square of cherry ripe slice
another 1" square of cherry ripe slice (Mmmm)
K-Time Muffin bar

Got a call from my rogaine partner on the way to work this morning to say that her husband had cracked the shits and wouldn't let her out for the weekend (*rolls eyes* I can't believe he gets away with this). So now I have to ask around at Street-O tonight to see if anyone wants to fill her spot, or if I can join another W/Open team. Or I could just give it a miss, stay out all night partying on Friday, and get my hair done on Saturday (long overdue, and my mother is coming to visit), and/or go to a Bendigo club event instead.


Ewen said...

A confessional every day Louise. You wouldn't be Catholic by any chance?

Spark Driver said...

How very frustrating that your Rogaine partner can't come out to play.

Anonymous said...

"cracked the shits" ?
Whatever does that mean?
By the way this saturday will be my first "O" and I don't have a clue.
Should I do the white or yellow course?